14 November 2024

Interview Series UN-PAGE: Keeping up with the United Nations – Diandra Pratami

Over the past years, PAGE has established close collaboration with UN Resident Coordinator Offices and UN Country Teams to provide economic expertise and policy advice on green economy principles, enhancing global understanding, and leverage the UN System for green economic transformation. The interview series “Keeping up with the United Nations” raises awareness on these fruitful collaborations at the country level and global level.

Since 2018, PAGE works closely with Indonesia to integrate inclusive green economy goals into national development planning, focusing on priority sectors such as energy, waste management, circular economy, and green industry. The partnership has also encouraged significant youth involvement and assisted Indonesia’s G20 presidency in 2022, highlighting discussions on the green and blue economy, low carbon development, and the circular economy on a global scale.

More recently, the Minister of National Development Planning Suharso Monoarfa launched the Roadmap for the Indonesian Circular Economy and Food Loss and Waste Management. These reference documents provide guidance for stakeholders on implementing circular economy policies in Indonesia.

Diandra Pratami is an Economist at the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator’s Office in Indonesia. She coordinates UN-system wide analytical products and strategic support for Indonesia’s sustainable development policies. With 13 years of experience within the UN system and the Government of Indonesia, Diandra brings a wealth of experience on development policy and practice in Indonesia.

Prior to her current role, Diandra forged her career path with positions at the World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS). She holds a master’s degree in public policy, specializing in development policy, from the Australian National University.

In this interview, she tells us more about Diandra Pratami tells us about Indonesia’s priorities to advance the green economy agenda and how PAGE acts as a driving force in delivering support in policy dialogues, technical guidance, and capacity-building.

Catch the full interview and dive deeper into the insights on the UN-PAGE Global website! Click the link to explore Interview Series UN-PAGE: Keeping up with the United Nations – Diandra Pratami