FGD Workshop for the ongoing EV study “Impact of Electric Vehicle Adoption and Development on Indonesia’s Green Economy Progress”
Jakarta (Zoom Meeting), Indonesia - On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, PAGE Indonesia through UNEP and its implementing partner for the EV Assessment, CORE Indonesia, conducted a focus group discussion (FGD) workshop titled “Impact of Electric Vehicle Adoption and Development on Indonesia’s Green Economy Progress”. This workshop, held in partnership with the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) Indonesia, aimed to gather insights for the ongoing assessment in the electric vehicle (EV) sector.
In support of the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to develop targets and indicators for the National Development Plan, both long-term and short term, within the context of accelerating the green economy as the nation’s economic transformation pathway, PAGE Indonesia is conducting a series of assessments on EV adoption. UNEP and its national implementing partner have conducted assessments related to the potential impact of EV adoption on Indonesia’s green economy progress indicators, as outlined in the Indonesia Green Economy Index (IGEI). This study, which includes system dynamic modeling, evaluates the impact of EV adoption and development on the index, identifies the most catalytic indicators, identifies policies to advocate or adopt, benchmarking from best practices in other countries.
The FGD/workshop presented findings from the study, gathered feedback and inputs from participants, and collected further relevant information from key stakeholders involved in EV development/environment. Over 40 participants attended the online FGD, representing government institutions/agencies, international organizations, academia, research institutes, and the private sector, Participants included representatives from the Ministry of National Development Planning, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Industry, Development Planning Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, Development Agency of Central Java Province, Energy Agency of West Java Province, Transportation Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, Transportation Agency of Bali Province, Electric Vehicle Industry Association (Periklindo), Center for Transformation and Logistics Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sebelas Maret University, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), CERAH Foundation, WRI Indonesia, CORE Indonesia, and PAGE (UNEP and UNDP).