8 August 2024

Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan Indonesia for 2025-2045 (English Version)

The Ministry of National Development Planning (Kementerian PPN/Bappenas) successfully organized the Green Economy Expo 2024, themed "Advancing Technology, Innovation, & Circularity." The event took place over three days, from July 3-5, 2024, at the Cendrawasih Room, Jakarta Convention Center. The Expo was inaugurated with the launch of the Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan, which are set to guide stakeholders in the transition to a circular economy from 2025 to 2045.

The Launch of Indonesia's National Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan marks a significant milestone in accelerating the Government of Indonesia's vision and commitment to addressing three global crises: climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Transitioning to a circular economy is crucial for shifting away from the traditional linear economic model, which leads to resource depletion, environmental degradation, and the generation of large amounts of waste and pollution.

The journey to develop the Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan has been comprehensive and collaborative. Since 2020, UNDP has been working with the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) to explore the economic, social, and environmental potential in transitioning to a circular economy in Indonesia. Our previous studies identified priority sectors and highlighted circular practices and businesses that demonstrate various benefits. The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), a joint UN initiative, further facilitated the development of this roadmap by identifying additional opportunities to inform the action plan.

The Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan Indonesia for 2025-2045 document is available for download via the button below (English version).
