7 November 2022

Accelerating Circularity as a Holistic Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis: The Economic Case

Save the date I Wed 9 Nov I COP27 

There is an urgency to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. How can circular economy principles and practices serve as a catalyst to promoting human well-being, preserving nature, cutting pollution, and making economies more competitive?

On Wednesday 9 November, the high-level side-event "Accelerating Circularity as a Holistic Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis: The Economic Case" will discuss strategies to accelerate the global shift towards circular economy in the context of mounting debts levels and a food and energy breakdown that threatens sustainable development. 

Follow the discussion in the run-up to the COP27

#event #energy #climatechange #food#sustainabledevelopment #biodiversity#circulareconomy #greeneconomy #cop27egyptUNECE Sustainable Energy United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)UNIDO United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) UN Environment ProgrammeUNDP #cop27 #greeneconomictransformation#GGKP